Ensuring that your cabinet comes through the shipping process in perfect condition is part of our job and Salamander’s commitment to quality (and the joy of its customers).
Many of our goods are large and complex in shape and form and won’t simply “fit in a box”. What to do? Well, if you’re Salamander – you design your own custom cartons and design ways of packaging and securing your products. Which, in short, is exactly what we’ve done.
Wrapped, packed, padded, protected and wrapped again – packaging for shipment is a science we’ve mastered.
This return shipment traveled from Connecticut to California and then back to Connecticut. It’s clear that these cabinets were fully secured and protected for their long voyage – the palette took a good hit though!
Making sure our goods get to you in perfect shape is no joke and it doesn’t happen by accident.
Making sure you get what you ordered and that it is delivered in perfect shape – is just one of the reasons why Salamander Designs is coming up on its 25th year in business.
Take a good look at this shipping carton that came back to Salamander from one of our dealers. Chances are that you’ve received cartons that look similar.
When we see shipping cartons that look like this one; we can’t help but wonder the story that our “assault victim” could share.
Fragile goods need to be treated preciously if they are to arrive at their destination in one piece. Our goods are inherently fragile and so the Salamander shipping team needs to go the extra mile in terms of anticipating what type of abuse our goods will receive when they leave our loading dock.
Fork lifts, truck loading, material handling equipment – are potentially able to deliver the type of abuse we’ve all seen in the old American Tourister luggage commercial.
Remember the commercial that featured an angry gorilla beating the bejeez out of a nice new suitcase don’t you? It wasn’t a pretty sight, and we can only imagine the cringing that went on when the product development people at America Tourister saw their pride and joy being soundly thrashed by the angry Gorilla.
Well, being the Salamander-y types we are, we figure that type of treatment is in store for our cabinets, credenza’s and stands when they leave the “nest” and so we ensure that they will arrive at their new home in sparkling new and flawless condition.
How do we ensure that our goods will arrive in good shape?
We plan, we design, we anticipate – and we test… a lot. Its no mistake our goods arrive in perfect shape.
It’s why unwrapping one of our goods, is akin to a Holiday treat, its just that much fun and satisfying.
Perfect – This is how our goods look when they leave Salamander.