Sustainable Salamander – Earth Day 2015

Green Salamander logoWith this being Earth Day, we wanted to share a bit about our passion for sustainability and how it’s woven into the Salamander DNA. We build things to last a lifetime. And we strive to tread lightly on our environment, from the furniture materials we select, to the manufacturing processes we employ, to the fact that our factory runs completely on solar generated power.

sustainable furnishings council member Over the past year, the photovoltaic solar cells on our roof have generated some 174,340 kilowatt hours of power. That’s enough clean energy to equal almost 1,000 60-watt light bulbs (1 year of use, 8 hours per day), 125 tons of CO2 eliminated, or 14,120 gallons of gas saved. Technically, we’re still connected to the grid, as we purchase power from the utility company at night and on cloudy days. However, on sunny days and when usage is low, we  send power back to the grid, and over a year the net is zero.

SD solar info screenshot

You’ve most likely heard of the three “R’s of going green” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We’d like to show you what that means to the environment when you purchase a Salamander product. Visit our Sustainable Salamander page to learn more!

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